- adjaruli khachapuri
- aloo paratha (Indian flatbread)
- anadama bread
- anise and Guinness bread
- asparagus bread
- beer and mustard rye bread
- beet bread
- bran bread
- brioche mousseline
- Broa (portugese corn bread)
- Brunkans långa
- caramelized onion bread
- challah
- challah (6-strands)
- ciabatta-style loaves with flaxseeds and prunes
- ciambella di brioscia *
- coccodrillo / coccodrillo *
- cornbread
- cornucopia (decorative bread)
- Cuban bread
- dried tomato baguettes
- easy little bread (no knead)
- fennel bread
- focaccia di Bari *
- fougasse
- glutenfree no knead hearty seeded sandwich bread
- grofarbraud (Icelandic multigrain bread)
- hazelnut bread
- Hildegard's spelt bread
- honey-butter-oatmeal bread
- Lien's dark pullman loaf
- mega seeded bread
- multigrain bread
- minted-yogurt bread
- nan e barbari (persian flatbread)
- oatmeal date bread (no knead)
- onion, herb and cheese stuffed bread
- l'otto di Merano *
- pain au maïs
- pane ai 5 cereali *
- pain de campagne Honfleur
- pane ai cinque cereali con noci (5 grain bread with walnuts) *
- pane di Ariccia *
- pane di patate *
- pane Toscano *
- pane francese
- panmarino *
- pesto, tomato and pine nut bread
- pizzadough with cornmeal and fresh herbs *
- Poilâne style-miche
- polenta bread
- porridge bread
- potato loaf
- power bread
- quince bread
- rewena paraoa (maorí bread)
- Rheinbrot
- Robert May's French bread
- royal crown tortano
- royal crown tortano -revisited
- rosemary-Asiago bread
- Russian chrysanthemum bread
- Swedish rye bread
- saffron loaf
- semolina rounds with black sesame seeds
- shepherd's bread
- Stromboli
- Sullivan street potato pizza
- sunflower seed bread
- Swiss rye ring
- Tangzhong whole wheat bread
- tomato, basil and garlic filled pane bianco
- Tootmanik
- tuna and onion filled breadring
- walnut whole wheat bread
- war bread
- whipped bread
- white soda bread with herbs
- wild rice and oatmeal bread
- wild rice and onion bread
- yeasted sprouted wheat bread

- multigrainbread

- amaretto roulade
- bread with a Christmas swirl
- Champagne baba
- cinnamon raisin bread
- cinnamon raisin struan bread
- cinnamon-walnut sweet bread
- colomba pasquale (easterbread) *
- flower bread
- focaccia with figs *
- fouace Nantaise
- gâteau à la crème
- gubana (easterbread) *
- modern lardy bread (without lard)
- no-knead chocolate prune bread
- Nutella brioche flower
- nut roll coffee cake
- pandolce Genovese (Christmas bread) *
- Pandoro *
- pane di frutta secca e spezie *
- panettone (Christmas bread) *
- potato streusel cake
- Romanian Easter bread
- rosemary-lemon bread (with raisins)
- Russian rose
- Strawberry-yogurt bread
- stollen
- sûkerbôlle (sugarbread with pear)
- sweet challah
- sweet Portuguese bread
- tanta wawa (Breadbabies from Peru)
- thin crispy spring focaccia *
- tropical Easter stollen
- Viennese striesel
- water-proofed bread
- yule wreath: sweet and savory

- 1 hour rolls
- apple-raisin rolls
- asiago bagels
- Assyrian spinach pies
- Bakharkhani (layered flatbreads)
- Beaujolais bread
- bialys
- biscotti picanti (Sicilian rusks) *
- bite size stollen
- buttercroissants with cheese or meat
- chapatti's
- chapatis (or roti)
- Chinese flower steam buns
- chocolate buns
- concha;s
- cottage cheese dill rolls
- country rolls with shallots and pecans
- country-style whole-wheat pita
- croissants dairy free
- curried naan and plain naan
- dutch raisin and currant rolls
- English muffins
- English muffins (no knead)
- ensaïmadas
- Ethiopian injera
- fennel and poppy seed rolls
- ginger rolls
- grissini *
- hamburger buns
- hot dog rolls
- Italian knot bread *
- jam fantans
- jachnun
- kaak bread
- kamut rolls
- kouign amann
- muesli-raisin rolls
- muesli rolls
- oatmeal twists
- orange brioches with cardamom
- orange rolls
- panini di ciliegie (cherry rolls) *
- pecan rolls
- piadina Romagnola *
- pistachio nut rolls
- pizzamuffins
- potato spelt rolls
- pretzel croissants
- pretzel shaped rolls
- pumpkin cornmeal rolls
- rgaïf (Moroccan folded flatbreads)
- schiacciatine *
- seed triangles
- soft pretzels
- shubbak el-habayeb
- Sukar bi tahin (tahini swirls)
- Tarrali Pugliesi *
- Tunisian spicy rolls
- wiggs
- wild rice stalks

- apple christmas pie
- apple marmalade pie
- apple strawberry pie with mint
- blueberry-polenta pie
- chocolate apple pie
- crostata di marmellata di fichi *
- crostata di ricotta (ricotta pie) *
- C's birthday-valentine's pie
- eplepai (Norwegian apple pie)
- lemon quark tartlets
- mincemeat and apple jalousie
- pasta frolla (basic sweet tart dough) *
- pâte sucrée (sweet tart dough)
- potato-apple pie
- quince and frangipane slice
- ricotta & chocolate tart
- strawberry pie
- torta di verdura *

- all bran tea loaf
- almond-strawberry cakes
- appel-kruimelcake
- blue berry-pecan bread
- cappuccino cake & wattleseed
- cranberry cake
- cranberry nut loaf
- date-apricot cake
- dracula cake
- mango & macadamia nut loaf
- Margaret's cake
- mince meat tealoaf
- pear, hazelnut and chocolate cake
- Queen's day rings or muffins
- ricotta vanille cake
- raspberry muffins
- upside-down apple cake with coconut

- cherry bundt cake
- cocoa-chip angel food cake
- marbled bundt cake
- orange bundt cake
- torta di noci e carote (carrot-nut cake) *
- Valentine's cake

- apple-lemon crumble traybake
- apple squares
- apricot-papaya-oatmealcakes
- cake withgrapes
- chocolate-pumpkin brownies
- curd cheese and blueberry squares
- drømmekage (Danish traybake)
- holiday apple kuchen
- peach and raspberry slice
- walnut cinnamon squares

- almond squares
- apple cookies
- biscotti di marzapane e noce di cocco *
- coconut shortbread
- cranberry pear biscotti *
- fig cookies
- garibaldi *
- kruidnootjes with a twist (a dutch sinterklaas 'cookie')
- macadamia cookies
- mincemeat cookies
- peanut butter biscuits
- rondo's
- tea leaf short bread cookies
- zaletti *

- apple fritters
- beignets
- castagnole alla romana (lemon balls) *
* = Italian baking