± 300 g kalfsgehakt (of rundergehakt)
1 klein ei
1 kleine ui of sjalot, gesnipperd
1 (niet te groot) teentje knoflook, geperst
klein bosje (platte) peterselie, gehakte
1/2 tl droge tijm
halve winterpeen, in julienne gesneden (als lucifers)
peper en zout, naar smaak*
Snijd een héél dun plakje van de onderkant, zodat de courgette beter blijft staan. Snijd dan klein kapje van de ronde courgettes af en hol hem uit met een lepeltje. (lange courgettes in de lengte halveren en uithollen).
* Eet liever geen rauw gehakt om te proeven of er genoeg zout en peper e.d.. Bak in plaats daarvan een klein stukje gehakt in een pannetje om zo te proeven.
I know, I know... I keep rambling on about this holiday cooking, though the summer seems to have skipped a year and holidays are long over. I promise, just this last one.
It's also very do-able at home and if you can't find these round zucchini, you can use whatever shape you can get. It's a quick dish and that can come in handy whether on holiday or not. They just look so cute these round zucchini's. And they just begged me to stuff them... so I did.
Zucchini Tondi ripieni
(stuffed small round zucchini)
4 round zucchini's (or any other shape)
± 300 g minced veal (of minced beef)
1 small onion, chopped
1 small egg
1 small clove of garlic (grated or finely chopped)
small bunch of flatleaf parsley, chopped
1/2 tsp dried thyme
a large carrot, cut in thin lucifers
salt and pepper, to tastePreheat the oven to 400ºF. Grease an ovendish with some olive oil.
Cut a thin slice of the bottom of the zucchini, so it can stand. cut of the top and scoop out the zucchini with a spoon.Mix all the ingredients and fill the zucchini's with the stuffing and place the tops back on. Place in the oven dish and bake for about 30 minutes.
The zucchini still have a bite and a lovely crunch to it in contrast with the succulent meat mixture. BUON APPETITO!
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