This month a recipe from our Bread Baking Babe extraordinair Cathy ("Bread Experience") chose a rye bread for us to bake, with two starters. Fortunately I still have a wheat starter on stand by, so I used that and fed it with rye flour. The other starts is a poolish, so that's even easier.
O yes rye flour... I must say I hardly ever use it anymore, because I'm just not a fan of it, but most of all, because I think it might cause me some allergic reaction. So I forgot to take a precausionary measurement, to put on my mouthmask. It came to me when I was making the starter... ah well, so I thought, it's just a little bit I need, it'll be OK.
Did I mention I am probably allergic to ryeflour? As I made the prepararions before I went to bed, It took me several hours to get back to normal. Sinuses blokked, eyes red, itchy and watering.. well I think I can safely say: rye flour in the air give me an allergic reaction. I not only will need my mouthmask, but some goggles too next time. Which means I can't ever visit a bakery (not the shop, but where they bake) or attend a workshop, without looking like a surgeon on her way to the swiming pool. Bummer!
But back to the bread, it was quite a dense crumb, but I totally expect that when using a lot of rye flour in bread, so that's either to like or not. I don't, husband does. It didn't rise very much, which is also to be expected with less gluten in the bread. The original recept calls for light rye flour, I used half white and half whole rye flour. I adapted that in the recipe below.
This is a ring shaped loaf, I like to bake recipes in their traditional form, but it's a bit awkward to get slices from the ring loaf and fit them in a lunchbox.
Thanks Cathy for this recipe, I always like baking these bread that are traditional for a country or region. Next time I just should take precautions!
Wanna bake along? Become our Bread Baking Buddy and earn a nice BBBuddy Badge to add to your post if wanted. Bake, tell us about it and send it to Cathy. She'll put the entries together in a post the first week of October. Latest entry date is the 29th of September.
Get your goggles out (if needed) and bake some rye with us. Happy baking!
(PRINT recipe)
Rye %: 69%
Stages: rye sponge, wheat poolish, final dough
Leaven: rye sour culture, instant yeast
Time: 13-15 hrs
Hands-in time: 30-35 min.
Rye Sponge:
150 g whole rye flour
150 g white rye flour
200 g luke warm water
20 g (rye) sour culture
-Combine the ingredients by hand into a stiff dough, cover and ferment at 21°C until doubled in volume 10-12 hours or overnight.
Wheat Poolish:
200 g bread flour
200 g cold water
8 g instant yeast
-Mix the poolish ingredients by hand, cover and refrigerate 10-12 hours or overnight.
Final Dough:
520 g rye sponge
408 g wheat poolish
60 g whole rye flour
260 g white rye flour
82 g bread flour
170 g warm water (40ºC)
20 g salt
In the mixer, combine the final dough ingredients and use the dough hook at low (KA2) speed to mix into a stiff, slightly sticky dough that leaves the sides of the bowl and gathers around the hook, 6-8 minutes. Cover the dough and bulk ferment at room temperature until doubled in volume, 60-75 minutes.
Cover and proof at room temperature until the breads have visibly expanded and surface shows cracks or broken bubbles.
Preheat the oven to 250°C with the baking surface in the middle and a steam pan on a lower shelf. Dock the surface of each loaf thoroughly and evenly to a depth of at least 0.6 cm. with a fork, chopstick or docking wheel.
Bake with steam 15 minutes, then remove the steam pan, reduce the temperature to 210°C and bake until the loaves thump when tapped with a finger and the internal temperature is at least 92°C, about 30 minutes. Transfer to a rack and cool thoroughly before slicing.
Oh no, that's terrible about your allergic reaction! And your loaf looks so beautiful. Sorry you can't enjoy it. Glad your husband does.
Yikes that was definitely an allergic reaction. The bread is lovely.
Gorn is totally with you on the shape. He loved the taste of the bread but longed for a regular sandwich shape.
I should have done as Elizabeth did and had one ring so as to get the traditional and then done a boule or a loaf pan shape for sandwiches.
Your loaf looks so perfect. So sorry you are allergic to rye and can't enjoy it!
Can you eat the bread? I can eat shrimp but break out in a rash if I touch them when they are raw - so I can''t clean them.
And if you can't - that's awful - it looks so good!
Yes Katie I can eat it, it's just when it's in the air/on the skin in raw state. In all honesty I wouldn't mind if I couldn't eat it, I'm just not a rye fan.
Oh my! You sure are a trooper to have made this bread even though you're allergic to rye. Thanks for baking it! It looks lovely. I'm glad your husband enjoyed it.
Wow! Now that's going above and beyond, Lien, if you not only aren't wild about rye bread but that it is so hard on your system! Your bread looks so beautiful. I bow down to you.
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