The dough was very wet, couldn't get it into a ball to rise/rest, it just was kind of a blob. Lots of flour when streching it into an oval, two were almost too big for my oven stone. Because the dough was so soft, the stripes that I put into it sort of disappeared. We had the breads with some soup. Very chewy bread, but good taste and airy inside. Elizabeth baked them on a bbq, I think that would really be wonderful for this bread, like it was baked in the desert in front of a nomad tent on a hot stone in the fire. If you bake in the oven make it hot and bake on a stone!
Wanna bake this too and become a Bread Baking Buddy? Bake, post and tell us all about it by mailing this to Elizabeth our Kitchen princess of this month, Deadline 29th. Have fun!
Nan e Barbari
(Persian flatbread)
(PRINT recipe)
dough5 g active dry yeast
360 g water (32ºC)
60 g whole wheat flour
360 g all purpose flour
2 g baking powder
1 tsp salt
nigella seeds (or black sesame, poppy, sesame seeds)
½ tsp flour
½ tsp baking soda
80 gm water
Mixing the dough: Pour the water into your standmixer bowl. Whisk in the yeast.
Add the flours, baking powder and salt and start to combine the ingredients on low speed until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl. Knead the dough on medium speed.
When the dough is smooth, shape the dough into a ball and replace it in the mixing bowl (there is no need to oil the bowl). Cover the bowl with a plate and leave to rise to double.
Prepare the sauce: Whisk flour, baking soda and water in a small pot. Bring it to a boil. Remove from heat and set aside to cool.
Pre-shaping: Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Scatter a light dusting of flour on the board and gently remove the risen dough onto it. Don't worry that the dough is quite slack. Cut the dough in half. Form each piece into a ball and place well apart on the cookie sheet. Cover with a clean tea toweland plastic foil and allow to rise to double. (about an hour)
Final Shaping: Brush each round with the sauce. Really slather the sauce on. It will keep your hands from sticking to the dough.
Dip your fingers in the sauce and dimple the rounds down to form two ovals with lengthwise furrows. (Please see photos below; also see photos on the right side of this page)
Liberally brush ovals with the sauce once more and sprinkle with nigella seeds. Allow the ovals to stand for about 30 min.
Baking: bake it in a preheated (200ºC) oven with an oven stone for about 30 minutes until golden brown. Cook the bread until it is golden.
(based on Lida's recipe for Barbari Bread at 1001recipe.com)
It makes me really happy that your bread baked in the oven looks so good, Lien. It means we'll still be able to have it in the middle of winter.
You are not alone amongst the BBBabes. So far, from what I've seen, only two of us mixed the bread by hand! That's what I love about the BBBabes. They show how bread will be bread no matter how it's mixed together. Many thanks for explaining how to mix and knead it in the stand mixer.
And even though the ridges aren't that well defined on your bread, it still looks wonderful. I particularly like the photo with the gold, black and grey backdrop cloth. Gorgeous!
Gorgeous golden crust Lien! I like the advice...hot oven, hot stone. Somehow tearing the bread into pieces actually seems like the way to go. Your photo is just beautiful!
Lovely photos - and I can definitely see it with soup (esp, as I sit here, freezing, on another rainy night)
In this weather? The only thing I can think about is soup... and a slice or two of your beuatiful bread
I wish I wasn't so lazy and would just knead bread by hand. My arms would thank me. Lovely bread (and hope your head feels better)
Hi Lien,
I think this flat bread looks beautiful and delicous!
I love the backdrop you used to display the bread! Very nice, and looks delicious.
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