(Nederlands? scroll naar beneden)
What a silence here for 3 long weeks while we were having our holidays in Italy. I managed to prefab the post about the Tahini swirls -Natashya really made a great choice with these breads- so maybe it looked like I was around, but I wasn't.
No internet, no TV (well there was a TV, but we didn't watch it), felt like totally having been cut of the world, which really can be a blessing sometimes. But I missed you all and don't think I'll be able to catch up with all the posts that are in my reader and all the emails, but I'll try anyway, so if you've been waiting for a reply.. just wait a little longer :).
We had a wonderful time, we stayed outside of Fano (Le Marche) for the first two weeks... and it was hot....real hot 36, 37, 38 yes we even reached just over 40°C! So of course we spent some days at the beach, but managed to visit a lot of places too, like Ravenna, Ferrara, Bologna (really loved Bologna), Urbino, Comacchio and even another country: San Marino.
I didn't cook much during the holidays because it was just too hot. An old man nearby gaves us a bucket full of green figs that had to be eaten there on the spot. There were to many to eat that quick. Figs are hard to come by here in the Netherlands and expensive too, so I couldn't just throw them out. We went to the supermarket bought sugar (couldn't find any pectine or so), jars and I stood there cooking jam and figs on syrup on a gas stove while it was 40°C. Afterwards I wouldn't have done that again... I think.
For the last week we drove over to the Como Lake were we stayed in a house in Nesso built on the mountain slope. Boy o boy did we have a heavenly view from each and every window!!

No internet, no TV (well there was a TV, but we didn't watch it), felt like totally having been cut of the world, which really can be a blessing sometimes. But I missed you all and don't think I'll be able to catch up with all the posts that are in my reader and all the emails, but I'll try anyway, so if you've been waiting for a reply.. just wait a little longer :).
We had a wonderful time, we stayed outside of Fano (Le Marche) for the first two weeks... and it was hot....real hot 36, 37, 38 yes we even reached just over 40°C! So of course we spent some days at the beach, but managed to visit a lot of places too, like Ravenna, Ferrara, Bologna (really loved Bologna), Urbino, Comacchio and even another country: San Marino.
I didn't cook much during the holidays because it was just too hot. An old man nearby gaves us a bucket full of green figs that had to be eaten there on the spot. There were to many to eat that quick. Figs are hard to come by here in the Netherlands and expensive too, so I couldn't just throw them out. We went to the supermarket bought sugar (couldn't find any pectine or so), jars and I stood there cooking jam and figs on syrup on a gas stove while it was 40°C. Afterwards I wouldn't have done that again... I think.
For the last week we drove over to the Como Lake were we stayed in a house in Nesso built on the mountain slope. Boy o boy did we have a heavenly view from each and every window!!

View from our holiday house on Lago di Como
But boy o boy did we have a hellish driveway. It was so steep and make a 90 degree turn, the first time I thought we were going straight down through the railing. Only three weels touched the ground and we don't have a four by four. But we soon found out down was the easy part... getting up: slipping wheels, burning rubber..., no way with 4 people in it, let alone packed full to get back home. No other place anywere to park. This was really scary and the first night I had several nightmares where I saw the car driving into a ravine with our kids standing out there watching it happen and being left behind on their own.
So I'm back. As is was a wet day here yesterday -can't even pretend that we were still on holiday with this rain- all the washing is shaped into a mountain in the garage, we'll get to it. Better get some shopping done now to fill the fridge. Not ready yet to bake something, but you know that will only be matter of days.
Hope you all had a great holiday and those who are still looking forward in going: have fun and travel carefully!
*PS. In case you're wondering what things I bought that made the car heavier than it was on the way there: some books of course (3 on bread, 1 on sweet baking, 1 on gelato, 1 for reading in Italian, several magazines... on cooking), a colomba mold! yes finally success in the most obscure little hardware shop of all places. The assistant had to go out to wherever it was to get it, because it's not in season obviously, I bought some small paper molds too. I always buy different kind of flours and other foods of course; cheeses, bresaola, dried fruits, nuts, olive oils, wines, liquors, amarena cherries....ecc....ecc.

Ik denk niet dat ik snel door mijn reader en mails heen kom, laat staan overal reacties geven. Maar ik doe mijn best, dus wacht je nog op antwoord?... komt goed.
We hebben een mooie tijd gehad. De eerste twee weken zaten we in een huisje buiten Fano (Le Marche).. en het was heet... heel heet: 36, 37, 38, ja we hebben zelfs de 40°C grens enige malen doorbroken! Dus natuurlijk hebben we verschillende dagen op het strand gezeten, maar toch ook nog kans gezien om diverse dingen en plaatsen te bekijken: Ravenna, Ferrara, Bologna (Bologna vind ik echt super), Urbino, Comacchio en zelfs even naar een ander land geweest: San Marino.
Veel heb ik niet gekookt, het was gewoon te warm. Een oude man die vlakbij land had gaf ons een hele emmer met groene vijgen, die eigenlijk meteen gegeten moesten worden. Het waren er te veel om zo weg te eten. Tja wat moet je ermee? Maar vijgen zijn hier soms zo moeilijk te vinden en duur bovendien, ik kon ze niet zomaar wegmikken. Dus naar de supermarkt om suiker (helaas nergens iets van geleisuiker te vinden) en potten met deksels te kopen en daar stond ik boven een heet gasfornuis met 40°C (buitentemperatuur) vijgenjam en vijgen op siroop te maken. Ik lijk ook wel gek dacht ik achteraf, maar waarschijnlijk zou ik het toch weer doen.

Dus ik ben er weer, aangezien het gisteren regende (je kunt ook niet lang doen alsof je nog vakantie hebt), ligt alle was nog als een berg in de garage, wordt aangewerkt. Nu moet ik eerst maar eens boodschappen gaan doen en de koelkast vullen. Nog niet aan bakken toe, maar dat zal ook wel niet lang duren denk ik.
Ik hoop dat jullie allemaal een heerlijke vakantie hebben en voor degenen die nog gaan: heb het leuk en reis voorzichtig!
*PS. Voor het geval dat je je afvraagt wat ik in hemelsnaam gekocht hebt om de auto lekker door de vering te laten zakken: natuurlijk wat boeken (3 over brood, 1 over zoet bakken, 1 over ijs, 1 om in het Italiaans te lezen, diverse tijdschriften... over koken), een blikken colomba vorm; eindelijk gelukt in een duister ijzerwarenhandeltje nota bene, de verkoper moest het van ver halen, want het is natuurlijk totaal buiten het seizoen. Ook nog wat papieren colomba vormen omdat ik toch bezig was. Ik koop ook altijd verschillende soorten meeI en andere etenswaren: kazen, bresaola, gedroogde vruchten, noten, olijfolie, wijn, sterke dranken, blikken amarenakersen.... ecc....ecc.
Hye Lien, welcome back. Italy must be wonderful and I've promised myself tot visit it soon.
I'm glad you're back and looking forward to your posts again.
Bentornata! You made me laugh with your list of things you bought. I hope to see some recipe from the books.
Ciao Lien ! I didn't know you were in Italy ! I would have loved to meet you but I was in Maremma !! I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation in spite of the heat !! baci !
Leuk dat je weer terug bent, Lien.
Misschien kun je de volgende keer beter een vrachtwagentje mee nemen ! (lol)Een heel gesleep, en hoelang kun je er mee toe?
Niet lang, lijkt me!!
Fijn dat je het zo naar je zin gehad hebt!
Nu weer wennen aan het alledaagse leven! En de regen!
Groetjes Thea
Heerlijk vakantieland hè....jullie ook al zo'n schitterend uitzicht,al moest je er wel wat voor over hebben...:-(
Wij hadden een enorme vijgenboom als parasol...tsja, wat eet je dan....;-)
OT Ehh heb 42 foto's van deuren gemaakt..;-)
Welkom terug en gefeliciteerd met je nieuwe bakblik.(scheelt een hoop knip en plakwerk)Gr. Wil V
Bellissimo! What a fantastic dream vacation! I love those areas of Italy. And what a great shopping spree! Glad your back, but I would have stayed!
Oh my, your pictures are so wonderful!
Take me next time!
it has long been my dream to go to italy. i hope i will make it there one day. your photos are beautiful, glad you had a good trip and glad you are back!
A colomba mold! Now that was really thinking ... I think I could be jealous.
Sounds like a wonderful time.
Dear Lien,
What a great time you guys must have had!!! As I already understood you love Italy! But you are Dutch, ok? Am I confused or what?
Anyway, the pics are wonderful and that one with the Como Lake from the varanda of the house was my favorite! I went there once but only for a while, we were in Milano and went to visit, it was my bday and we had lunch and bought chocolates. Someday I will be back and stay to visit well.
Great that you had a wonderful time and rested!
I can´t wait to see the goods you´re about to post from the new books and the delicacies you bought!
Have a great weekend,
So glad you had such a great vacation! I love that you couldn't throw away the figs, so you made jam. I love the pictures!
Bentornata! You have an exceptional blog and all your recipes are very well made and beautifully explained, congratulations and greetings from Italy!
Geweldige foto's en een prachtverhaal! Leuk dat je er weer bent. Hmmm great minds think alike? Zo heb ik eens abrikozenjam staan maken.... Haha
@ Camera: ik noem hem 'my precious'...nou dan weet je het wel;-))
Veel opties (nog niet allemaal gesneden koek voor mij..;-)) en vind zelf ook betere resultaten, vooral met de macrolens, maar ook wel qua kleuren....Dus....geen spijt;-)
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