It was supposed to be come a bread, but mine turned out as a pancake/slate. I'm no good with breads that contain such amounts of rye, when I read the recipe -knowing my rye flour- I knew it would sort of turn out like a disaster. So this month I don't dare to give a recipe in english or dutch.
Better check my fellow Babes (their links in the side bar) who have done the recipe pride and you can see how it's really done, while I leave you with a picture of my Russian Black Pancake, while I hide under a rock... or better still this pancake.....
Better luck next month.
It doesn't look so bad !! Wait till I try mine !!!!Ciao !
Whahahaha- ik zou zeggen: ga lekker in de schaduw onder je rots zitten en neem als troost een 'White Russian'.....:-))))
Eeh...? Misschien als parapluutje gebruiken voor als het weer slechter wordt? Ik ga straks heel eerlijk zijn en zeggen dat ik gerommeld heb met het recept; het kán ook niet met ons roggemeel!
I know that rye is difficult ... sorry! I wish there was a way to compensate for the differences between rye from different places, but I guess one would have to really dig deep to investigate how they actually differ. In my next life perhaps!
Hmmm, I missed last months. Wonder if I could do this one? I love brown bread and brown rye. Yum! Flat is fine if it tastes good. How'd it taste?
Mine was a little bit flat too, but still tasted wonderful. Great that you gave it your best. Was it still tasty? It looks like it would be great for toast fingers for dipping into soup.
So sorry this was a disappointment for you. Did it taste good?
@ all: I'm afraid it wasn't tasty at all. Even my husband, who really is a rye lover... nah. I binned it.
ah well next month better.
@ Baking Soda, ja dat had ik ook moeten doen, want ik wist vooraf al zeker dat dit recept met mijn meel nooit zou gaan lukken. Ik ben al geen rogge fan, maar dit was echt gruwelijk. Was wel zo slim om maar een half recept te maken.
Het brood ziet er mooi donker uit en het ziet er ook best lekker uit. Tot nu toe heb ik ook al een paar keer geworsteld met dat eigenwijze roggebloem. Voorlopig ga ik eerst maar eens op pad voor glutenpoeder want ik hoop daarmee meer geluk te hebben.
So interesting to see yours be so flat! Was it tasty, at least? It looks almost like biscotti to me! Russian Rye Biscotti. :)
When you said Russian black 'pancake,' I started to laugh so hard that I snorted tea up my nose. This time I didn't get a pancake, but I certainly have in the past, with other breads!
Fingers instead of pancake? Rye is difficult because of low gluten and this dough is so sticky that forming a good skin is almost impossible. Still, the color of your bread is wonderful and I'll be the flavor is fine.
I didn't attempt this one because I don't get rye here.
Cheer up, we all have out occasional failures. Think about all your other beautiful bread. :)
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