BBBabes & Buddies (by babe Elizabeth)

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Bread Baking Buddy round up for June

There is just one Bread Baking Buddy entry for this round up; the Bran bread we baked for this month. So here she is!

Shirley ("flour.ish.en test kitchen") baked a bran bread with sourdough. And the use of freshly milled whole wheat made all the difference for her. She had a high hydration and used the strech-and-fold method (which works really well with wetter doughs!) and  the bread came out gorgeous. Look at all those walnut pieces and loose crumb! Beautiful.

She also used wheat germ and some cornmeal bran (sifted from the flour) and that makes the bread a lovely shade of yellow.

Great job Shirley and thanks for taking the challenge and baking with us this month!


  1. Lien, thanks for the great description and your kind comments. I had a lot of fun making this challenging bread.

  2. Looks great!! Shirley always makes such gorgeous breads!


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