BBBabes & Buddies (by babe Elizabeth)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mellow Bakers in December

Another thing that has to be rounded up before the end of the year: The Mellow Baker selection from December. Several kinds of ciabatta this time, soda bread and a bread with fennelseeds.

Here we go, first the ciabatta's:
-Ciabatta with olive oil and wheat germ, I baked these in 2006 and 2007. They don't look bad, but I make myself believe that I would do that better now. With better flour and less fear of the dough being too wet. But still they look quite presentable.

Next the Ciabatta with a stiff biga. Also one I baked earlier, but I guess with the same commets as the first one.

And third the ciabatta with poolish, not as airy as I would have liked.

Then there was the Irish Soda Bread. I'm not a big fan of soda breads, they always leave me with a 'chemical' aftertaste from the baking soda. This one came out very rough and crumbly. Not a favorite.

My favorite one as the last choice of this month: A semolina bread with a soaker and fennelseed. As I love my fennelseeds, this one was just perfect for me. The use of soakers I find very appealing, better than throwing the things in dry. This one turned out very  nice.

Those were the breads for this month, I hope I'll be able to bake again soon and start with the januari breads. Happy baking.


  1. Wonderful! Great holes in the first two ciabattas.
    Beautiful breads, Lien!

  2. I love your array of wonderful breads.


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